As you progress in skill level, it may be time to upgrade your instrument. After extensive research and vetting, our team of musicians maintains an instrument selection tailored for students, advancing musicians, and music professionals alike. As you look to upgrade, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:
Brand Reputation – Purchasing instruments from manufacturers with an established track-record of high performance is one of the best places to start in your selection process.
Quality Construction – Quality fit and finish will help improve playability and ensure your instrument will last for years to come. Our team of experts are more than happy to give a few pointers on what to look for when initially evaluating an instrument.
Reed and Mouthpiece – The limiting factor in instrument performance is oftentimes the quality of the reed or mouthpiece! Professional-level mouthpieces may help dramatically enhance the sound and playability of your current instrument.
Tone and Sound – As musicians advance in their career, it’s likely they will develop their own personal “sound”. If you’re not getting the intonation you need from your current instrument, it might be time for an upgrade!